ACMPR Amendments - Re Pharmacy DistributionThe Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) came into force on August 24, 2016. According to Health Canada, the ACMPR is not a long term plan but a temporary fix to address issues with the MMPR. Therefore we know changes are coming.
In the next go around, changes to the existing ACMPR are expected to include pharmacy distribution.
Most likely, Health Canada is deliberately stalling the amendment of ACMPR until licensed producers can guarantee a consistent supply of medical cannabis for patients.
From a timing perspective, spring of 2018 would be perfect timing for the Federal government to introduce amendments to the ACMPR allowing pharmacies to become part of the distribution channel. This would coincide with Aphria's first full crop rotation from Phase III expansion scheduled for May 2018. Before completion of Phase III it would be unrealistic to expect Aphria to be in a position to service / supply pharmacies.
Curious to hear if anyone else has an opinion as to when pharmacies will become part of the distribution channel for the medical market.