Goldhound3,The reason more shares come up for sale is because the deal Greg M. negotiated was not the best for us. He raised too much money for has to be done now. He didn`t use a tier 1 firm. The firm he used has not been good to Alio { Timmins } over the years. They have been out of the picture for years. So he probably has friends there you see. Very selfish. Looking out for himself. not the stockholders. Seems that Cannacord didn`t have enough buyers for all this stock. They had to eat it and now they sell on any rally. Present management are acting like the rookies that they are. They have built nothing in the past. Greg M. left his old company in shambles. A few weeks after he came to Timmins ; Asanko stock went from 3.50 to under a dollar. One of their properties didn`t have the gold they said was there. So I don`t trust this guy. In fact he should have been fired at that time. ALO will succeed in spite of G.M., not because of him.