What is home capital?Your kid graduated from high school in Toronto
He is rejected by university of Toronto and York university ( big5 banks)
He is also rejected by community college ( local credit union)
And one day, he found a school crossed the UT downtown campus, it is called H School International ( home capital). I has 5 classrooms and 2 teachers (17b solid mortgage book). The requirement of enrolment is very low, but you need to pay a more in tuition ( mortgage rate).
This school recently launched online courses. As announcement said, cut-off 10% teaching labours. So from now on, you only need to do multiple choices on online exams, and you will have your degree. In case of complain of teaching quality, you can’t blame the teachers ( brokers), this is computer system you can blame.
Also, as most school investors are not known to the world, school director Alan Hibben invited professor A (buffet) in U of T to invest. As to build school reputation, Alan may ask more professors to join and run this school ( issue more and more shares).
Well, the big problem is that it is hard to find enough students (deposit), and same time, school has to pay cost to maintain business.