RE:RE:Last 33 minutes of transaction. Anonymus was very active.
When an agressive Hedge style institution initially establishes a long or short position, particularly in a maniputable small cap stock.....they often
will try to initially do it discreetly , often using the ridiculous option to mask the underlying trading house using the Anonymous option.. Once a fund has established their core position (short or long) and want to then overtly influence a small cap stock in one direction or another, they will openly trade in a manipulative manner , as we have seen repeatedly with CIBC / Merril / etc on the short side with Prometic. And the whole “pinning theme”. Pressng their agenda at key technicals, playing on fear
and utilizing momentum
When these same players want to discreetly unwind the same trade, they will use the Anonymous handle to effectively “hide” intentions. Thats what going on right now in my opinion
So i get if you havent done it or seen it that you might think these patterns dont matter, but trust me the pros pay attention to this stuff and react accordingly, it matters