RE:V.PAT will rise to new heights, but in the Long Term.
so how much correction? What do you think is reasonable? I have put a floor at $1.44 not saying one way or the other and I gave my reasons for it just as I am continuing to give my reasons! I think judging how I am seeing this move the corrections happen with the price flux I don't think too many people who are really bullish like myself would want to risk trading badly. I will always say to those who pull the rabbit out of the hat well played and for being balsy to take the risk and reap the rewards it is well earned! I will keep holding and sit the trading game out. I have nothing here to pump or bash. If I want to buy in I will just do that but I am not looking to have a hand in "playing/trading" things right--not willing to risk what I have. I suspect there may be some slow downs with production because people get antsy thinking that will cost us money--but even than just look what has happened--8.5 million bought deal to from my understanding is it 10 million I will have to go back and get the right fact--8.5 million anyways and brokerages wanting in they will get in at whatever as well as buying in the open market so that they always hold all the cards--they have the bought exercisable hand as well as what they wish to do with share bought in the open market along with more bought deals even remember what I said if we may not need them. So in essence, I don't think production is going to be the problem just exactly the way ir had stated--isn't that something never expected this but they knew what they were working for. But what is going to be needed and where this company will be limited only to make sure to keep the quality and production proper is the number of units being produced at 10,000 as they want them to be of superior quality and one needs to understand this. Now I don't know if that is 10,000 a quarter, a month, or what it is but that was the number--someone who knows more about this I would definitely love some light to be shed on it, otherwise I will again try my best to get that information. Bottom line there is really nothing stopping this in terms of getting things out and continuing to grow just making sure everything is top notch quality and you will have to lives depend on it!!! In any case, this is a hard equity to call but things get more clear in the longer term.