A little message from me The ceiling seems to be around 2.90$ the stock actual value maybe 2.10 but because of hype and what it could be it clipped the 4.00 mark and went down and went down and down but a year and half later it's at 2.90 don't forget we live in Canada the banks are not helpful here for a persons to invest 60 mill well obviously he's looking to make a good chunk of cash but yet to invest that cash you have to have some sort of idea were this company is going and for that much money basically means 100% positive this is going somewhere big all the ups and downs we experienced we'll speak for myself because I've been here a while is due to expansion don't forget this company started really rolling in 2016 so that's not even 2 years yet trust me the next 2. Years gonna be massive people won't know what hit them this industry is beyond sky's the limit and aurora is a good company and positioning it self to be in the top 3 big freaking producer so wait and se