RE:RE:RE:Aton samples up to 99.6 g/t Au at Abu Marawat 2017-10-16 18:"Vein #1 is the most easterly of the veins, striking almost due east, dipping to the south at between 8° and 15°, and can be traced along strike for about 120m (see Figure 2). It consists of a fairly clear quartz vein with sharp margins, and contains pseudomorphs and larger lenses of goethite and hematite after pyrite, which carry scattered grains of visible gold. The vein is hosted by a very fine grained aphanitic felsic volcanic rock which is phyllic altered and bleached for about 3m above the vein, the extent of the alteration below is not seen. The in situ outcrop of the vein is limited and disturbed by ancient workings, but where it is visible a channel sample taken across the vein (AHA-14745) returned assays of 45.6g/t Au and 22.8g/t Ag, while a grab sample (AHA-14747) from the altered wallrock returned an assay of 2.33g/t Au."
-- scattered grains of visible gold --
Also interesting to note that outcrop limited and disturbed by ancient work. Get drilling, Aton!