RE:You Can Ignore PeopleLate-Blommerboy,
Your wisdom knows no boundaries! I see you've already rated your post 5 stars. Thata boy. You should follow your own advice about 'facts' before posting this nonsense. You are ignored for a reason.
bloomfield18 wrote: But ignore the facts at your own peril. The first six ignores I ever got was on the IVN board in the summer of 2005. I claimed the Mongolian government was dragging their feet on a final agreement and were putting the squeeze on the Company. Why else would they refuse to come to terms? The motivation in mining isn't difficult to understand. I ended up in a furious debate with an uber pumper, which continued for the better part of a week. RF actually put out a statement, stating the Company was satisfied with the pace of negotiations. But what else was he going to say? Yes, we're worried, and you should be too? He can't do that. Several months later the government seized 34% of Oyu Tolgoi for themselves. High taxes and good jobs weren't good enough. They wanted the lion's share, after the Company had done all the work. Fortunately metals prices skyrocketed and the Company was able to recover.
Fast forward to the summer of 2012. I got something like 20 ignores on Barkerville, when I said the Cow Mountain resource of 10 million ounces gold, along with 90 million ounces "potential" was a complete and utter sham. Investors, if you can call them that, insisted beyond all logic that the gold was there. Note that Bre-X only claimed 73 million oz.The Geo waited the full 45 days to file his report at literally the final hour, 11 PM. Regulators immediately shut down the Company until a new resource could be completed, which took nearly a year. They started again from scratch.You should have seen the final frenzied day of trading. It was the very picture of greed as prices soared. I was doing my best to convince people not to buy, since I knew what their fate would be. Of course, IVN is nothing like that. The studies here are well researched.
The point is this is a very dirty business, and ignoring facts can be seriously detrimental to your financial health. If you're prepared, and have all the facts at your command, you have a much better chance of achieving your objectives.