If I Was Given All The Advantages As Those Who Got Bought
deals and who were involved in all this I would never do that--very classless to say the least!!! Again, you have Global Max Fin that shows a lot of class and then you have what those who did here do--what because there is a four month's hold period so we will short to keep making money because it is legal and make money every which way give me a break!!! I will not hold back my feelings I don't care that is my opinion. I have my strategy and will follow it but I will call out all those who I feel in my eyes are being very unethical, of course they will never see it as so because shorting is legal. And again, I bloody shouldn't have to be inconvenienced by all this and would clearly say any shorting that goes on all people who own shares should be compensated 20% or get rid of all this bs!!! I will be on this with a vengeance. Don't know when or how things will go but I will try to get another petition going. I kind of let the first one die--not this time I will keep collecting names of whoever steps up I understand privacy is a concern so I know this is going to be tough because when I tried in the past I only got about 5 signatures even though I know there are more people who feel like me so I will have to figure this out. Regardless, this will be a long battle and one that I will do what I can to see I at least try to fight for what I believe and hopefully with that change!