Namaste is NOT involved with growing MJ in the States. Period.
Right now, Namaste only sells vapes and accessories and that is totally Legal, in Canada, the US, and most other jurisdictions. That is where ALL of their revenue comes from currently. Namaste does NOT sell anything that helps anyone GROW MJ, which is what is illegal in the US, nor have they talked about selling any MJ in the US, medicinal or recreational.
Yes, Namaste's plan is to expand into selling MJ (not growing it) in Canada, and there has been no plan communicated yet about any plans to sell MJ in the US (or even recreational MJ in Canada, for that matter - all of the focus has been on medicinal MGJ in Canada thus far).
Yes, Namaste has its own share price issues - especially recently - but hopefully these clear up once the PP closes and especially once (if?) CannMart is granted the license to sell medicinal MJ in Canada.
Any talk about Namaste and illegal MJ activities is simply guilty by association (with the MJ group, as a whole) and has no basis in fact. Just another example of misdirection and bad guidance that is used by the big players to manipulate the stock market at the expense of regular investors.