RE:RE:RE:Heavily shorted due for a short squeeze soonActually bought another 50% worth of shares yesterday on just this thought alone.
1. We should be seeing finacials soon. Sales have been reported as good for dried and starting materials stating their 16k sq.ft facility was producing sufficient for demand. We should also see some form of revenue from Clone Shipper itself as well. EPS amounts are unknown but we could lean to a small postive hopefully reading into some of their statements.
2. We should get confirmation on some concrete information of thei expansion plans as some were scheduled to be completing mid October and they hinted at the largest being ready for the Rec. Market. How the largest green house will play out now with WEED.TSX' pepper green house proposed purchase will be interesting.
3. We should get confirmation of an Oil Licenses soon. THC biomed has a great track record of fufilling their promises albeit with questionable PR for investors, but it must be noted they always wait till the deals are finazlized and concerns have been dealt with before releasing the news.
4. THC has begun drawing down on their credit options around the time we are epxecting news that would require cash deposits and porchases. While in no way concrete proof of points 1 to 3, you can at least argue that they are in the process of finazling deals and possible begginning new ones.
Question though, while I did mention AFI a bit back and got chewed out for questionable reasons. Now that it's being discussed did any notice some wording from the AFI CEO's tweet. It didn't say their shipment was canacelled but merely delayed. Any thoughts on the original deal not being dead but merely waiting for these facilities we're waitig for information on?