RE:Target Price $1.00 early 2018Its TCF, T as in Trillions
Questerre has assesed 5-6 TCFs net for its accreage, so I dont see any reason why we should be meanfully lower than that.
They trade at around 1200 bucks/acre today - approx 200m of allocated market cap, while cash position and Montney make up for the rest (Montney has low production, so much cash will be used there....). While we, Altai, trade 44 bucks/share - 6m cash plus other interests and 7,5m allocated market cap on the accreage.
Queterre 1200 bucks/acre
Altai 44/acre
Thats like 1/30, and here you have 0 costa and perfect object for partnership.
this is going nowhere but up as conference and regs approach. So under !'n