RE:RE:RE:Downward trend firmly in place..... 20 cents down to 12.5 c.Let me guess BCbean is too busy moving the mill and can not defend himself. ooh Bean...No wonder he drank to kooliad - must have been thirsty I hear the mill was a two man job to move.
What a Bean that BCbean
I understand why you are advioding the SJL slowrid, you must be embarassed - Now Bean is all you have - Slow cooked beans
slowrideasy wrote: MiddleGround wrote:
Farewell BCbean! It was nice knowing you! Hate to hear you've been forced to voluteerly disappear...can't believe you may have helped make the koolaid.
Makes sense as you never have
Seeya Bean
Have you got nothing better to do than to torment my friend? He ain' t going anywhere. Why don't you go help your friend move or find another location so he stops looking over his shoulder?