GREY:NMKEF - Post by User
Comment by
Steamoon Oct 28, 2017 12:05am
Post# 26871177
RE:hi newbies
RE:hi newbiestimeoutofmind, I get it, it seems like it's been nothing but a stream of broken promises from management. The feasibility study update that never materialized, the big financing agreement that's forever just around the corner and of course, the big nothing-burger that "Doris" turned out to be. But when you look at the bigger picture, they have proven themselves where it counts the most. The 5 steps to completing a "mini-mine" appear to have been successfully completed. Sending out the samples will be the final confirmation that their patented process works, and they are ready to scale up to a full-blown mining operations. They are way, way ahead of most of their junior mining competitors in this regard. I believe the financing will fall into place very quickly once the samples have been sent out.