RE:Raising money
You asked te key question, which the CEO Ian Stalker addressed in numerous interviews starting in February this year. Stalker maintained that that "cash flow" from production would take care of the companies expecsives ans so, unlike mmost other start up resource companies, K92 would be self funding going foward and have no need for any further financing.
Those deniald have proved to be lies, Stalker was replaced as CEO, without any resonable explanation, and so frustrated shareholders are left pondering the cautionary words of Brent Cook.
Brent Cook is the only real "mining legend" who I have heard commenting on K92, in a BNN interview. A caller in asked him for his opinion of K92. He replied that it was essentially a "show me story" in that narrow veined mines were notoriously difficult to operate profitably.
So more importantly than the missing Corporate Presentation, that one recent poster was asking for, is the missing finacial information. Where is the evidence that K92 is actually making money, rather than using proceeds from its numerous financings to purchase the gold it requires to meet its contracual obligations?