RE:Who GAF About WalmartI was about to say the similar thing that this conversation is getting silly. The bottom line is that people have to decide for themselves how much level of protection that they would like to give
to their patrons. Whether or not businesses will bring in these devices will always be based on
cost vs incidents. If there are few amount of shootings and the cost and legal responsibility to the merchant is negligable then it is likely they will not look to spend extra money in giving an added
level of security which is never bad to have.
Nevertheless, if there is a need for the devices than
of course those businesses won't even think twice about bringing it in. This tech as the company stated is not for everyone and that is all fine and good as there is a large market for those looking
to bring it in so all these hypothetical situations are just that and can go on forever where people
can continue to speculate and try to figure things out is simply sorry to say a waste of time because like i had stated we may be surprised by who embraces this tech and then again we may not. In any case, excellent tech that has its uses but again can't prevent everything to 100% degree success, never going to happen.
good luck all.