RE:HmmYeah it is pretty that great of news. Adding themselves to auroras client base, and now an Israeli vape company( another client base) just increase their exposure more. Great news.
Only a few companies in the space are turning a profit, This is the time these companies need to gain a foothold domestically and internationally. And yes at the expense of profit in the near term.
Many ( not all) of these companies will be around in some form or another ( merge, aquire, buyout, etc. ) in 10 plus years. Market share and global expansion is more important right now.
Their revenues are increasIng quarter over quarter. And when cannmart comes on amount of mm will keep this down.
In short, if you got out at .25, good on you if that was your plan. N is not a get rich quick pick....but it is a get rich(er) pick. Still a strong company with vision, if you're trying to time an entry for a quick gain, sounds like it, better off lurking somewhere else.