Did you have the kottbullar to buy HIVE today?First, what's kottbullar?
Swedish meat
balls or Swedish word
kottbullar (plural) are thought to have been brought to Sweden by King Charles XII after his exile in Istanbul in 1713. (196flavors.com)
.... Well, had to put on a garage sale this afternoon but more on that later...
HIVE background: my first
large HIVE purchase was right at the open Mon Sept 18 on HIVE’s Opening Day. Got it all filled @ $0.75/share. The “low” that first open was $0.74/share.
Did I see this “
one week earlier” red herring coming today? NO
Did I lose bushels (on paper) today? YES
Did I cry? NO but the paper losses are HUGE; would make most men & women cry for sure
Did I panic? Kinda. You see, between the halt, then the news, and attempting to grasp its actual implications... Well, that’s when the garage sale signs went up asap i.e. sold several straggler stocks to BUY more HIVE.
Let’s just say it was a challenge to pull this off this fundraiser in the allotted time. Maybe others here might have been busy doing the same today?
On a brighter note, by the time the dust settled after today’s close, we had INCREASED our HIVE share holdings by 20%. YES!
We averaged UP on HIVE through four fresh BUYs (two buys in the 4s, two buys in the 5s) post-halt till the close. This was an expensive HIVE day on many fronts but we LOVE our relatively el cheapo new HIVE shares.
some short term pain there can be no long lasting gain. Now more than ever, we're looking forward to a double digit share price !
Can HIVE go lower next week? Yes absolutely ! Some are counting on it.
Can HIVE go higher next week? Yes absolutely ! Some are betting on it (like many did today).
Bash all you want kiddies. Go riiiight ahead. No matter. Am confident we HIVE Longs will walk away from here with far more
coin than all the bashers here can ever dream of. The sweetest last laugh if you will.
Carry on HIVE Longs.
All the best next week.
A parting Icelandic morsel:
“As the herring adventure progressed, a
goldrush-like atmosphere settled over the town, leading to
Siglufjorour been
(sic) dubbed the "
Atlantic Klondike". The town also became a magnet for
herring speculators who came and went,
some making a lot of money during the stay,
and others not.”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Herring_Era_Museum .