RE:News Halt in ASX...Kairos had mid October press release about their chopper and 4 wheeler exploration program regarding their fairly long strike line contact on the strat equivalent.
I do own a little of this one. They seem legit. I was just wondering to myself last night how long it was going to take for these guys to report public about what they were finding, if anything. Of course, if they found nothinng there would be no news and no trading halt.
So, in about 3 weeks they found something to halt the stock and report.
IF they report nothing on the rocks, and do report a merger or another stock issuance, then you can rest assured dear investor that the insiders have sold you down the river to whomever
(ES, KL) for a bit less than FMV. ie...........the company does not need any more money at this point in time to support a chopper and 4 wheeler program and some RC drills and trenches.
And given the expected news flow, or lack thereof, anyone of the 4 or 5 players here who appear initially to have the right rocks is a chump to merge at this point in time. A decent honest management and BOD would spend some $$ and explore and report on their rocks FIRST, and then wait to see what their merger partner had for rocks too, BEFORE striking a deal.