MY VIEW OF Q3 Its not that badThis is not really all that bad this is my take on Q3 First of all, I would like to say YES The Results Were Disappointing . but a little deceptive. I personally do not see the financial picture as all that bad the key is understanding the backlog. The backlog is like a giant dam in the liability section with the unapproved STCs as the dam and the $$$ (27 million) as the water. The reason why the financials are so poor is that every time we sell something it goes to Liability, the backlog, because we dont have approved STCs (the dam). When the STCs get approved and we start shipping product the dam breaks a bit and the Liability Backlog becomes Asset Revenue. Our real problem is that we sell a product where we do not have approved STCs and we create a liability. This will end and soon the 27 m. in backlog will move to the asset portion of the balance sheet and we will all be smiling that we kept our shares. Just the way Im seeing things respectful comments welcome