I guess the market didn't hear that podcast...1) Building Permits in place for 66,000 sqft facility
2) Sales Licence Transferrable to Expansion Facility once built (Biggest News in a While)
3) Cost Per lb has doubled (Flower that they sell)
4) Trim is hard to find/expensive (The deal with Marimed includes TGIF getting the rights to their trim)
5) Profitability by next summer
6) Customers lining up and TGIF is having to turn them away
7) One of very few companies with stock market listing in vegas (acess to cash)
- I think only MDM and GLH are the other public companies in Nevada at the moment?
8) Surprising growth out of Infused MFG
9) Believes investors will be plesently surprised with financial
- Warns that the annual report only has 5 weeks of TGIF operations on it
- hinted that we should wait until Q1 2018 to have an accurate view of margins/operating expenses ect.
I dunno about everyone else but I added 10k today