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Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. PGDIF

"Peregrine Diamonds Ltd is a diamond exploration and development company with interests in diamond exploration properties located at Nunavut and the Northwest Territories in Canada and The Republic of Botswana."

GREY:PGDIF - Post by User

Post by griefmanon Nov 10, 2017 1:03pm
Post# 26940897

For those who have a relatively large position

For those who have a relatively large positionLet’s say over 100K of shares, not $ value...what would precipitate your exit strategy, what event?

For instance, are you more apt to get out if the price goes down or if it goes up, both in the 30-40% range?

Im not discounting investors who have less than 100K of shares, I just think that the price could or might be more likely to be effected if a lareger SH made a decision either way.

Does that make sense?
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