No reason to sell but I understand why. 19.5 centsCan't see any "smart" money selling now that they have filed all the necessary paperwork. That was a really big step, one that was needed. It removed a lot of uncertainty.
However, like I have said earlier. This being a tiny Canadian company, investors want to see money come in, and a partner with deep pockets secured. Patience is waning.
Quick strike action is the key. The reason that most "Canadian" tech companies fail is due to money. They take too long to bring their great ideas to market while they are raising money or testing....and by that time, Samsung, Apple, or IBM has a competing...similiar type of technology, that they have moved forward with. One that does essentially the same thing.
And "yes", APPLE or SAMSUNG have deep pockets, and "no" they don't care if they infringe. Their attitude is, let mom and pop store AMY, fight us, and take us to court. With our money, we can drag it out for many years. Raking in the the money in the meantime, and in the end paying out pocket change to settle.