RE:Air Canada Decision Leave Aeroplan May Be A Great Blunder!!Which one is a BIGGER BLUNDER?
Air Canada leaving Aimia/Aeroplan?
Boeing complaint against Bombardier?'s a coin toss...both should get the award!
The Harvard Business Review should get on the case ASAP and do case studies on both Air Canada and Boeing on what businesses SHOULD NOT DO!
We will be hearing the BACKFIRING from Air Canada and Boeing for a while...or is that FLATULENCE???
Hard to tell the difference!
justbull4u wrote: Aimia/Aeroplan has a great future in its path due thankfully to Air Canada's decision to leave Aeroplan. This unchaining has resulted in Aimia/Aeroplan having to re-examine the business landscape and realizing that there are great new disruptive opportunities to pursue that they perhaps would not have considered in a business as usual situation.
Air Canada can waddle along being an airline…while Aimia/Aeroplan re-invents itself to leverage its brand and pursue great new business opportunities…