RE:RE:Classic trading for newbie Hi there
their is a lot of possibilitys
1) Updates on the blockchain new cryption system
2) Updates or signature of new custommers (as they have basically 1 new organisation per week in average since 4 months)
3) Confirmation of profitability reached as it was expected the 5-10 november
4) Deal with major Like Microsoft and/or Google to scale up their proposition to big organization
5) Recognition from industry leader of the software capability
6) Continuity of the 880% custommers growth rate
7) Sector movement (whole blockchain)
8) Appointement of new director related to large scale expansion
9) Data test from trial about hackng their device with top resultat aka bulletproof
All theses could come and i Think 1-2 of them will pop this week
The CEO know the company has a great momentum and I know for a fact that Icanh investment fund (technology branch) had talk with the mgmt of ID in order to explore the company asset's and potentiel. They will keep PR since the business just can't stop growing and it's about to go mainstream/large scale