RE:RE:RE:RE:Noront's friend...RickfordDon't worry Redranger... you wouldn't want to start to see "red" When the deal gets done with Glencore, it won't cost Noront a penny...why you ask? ( I have to set it up because I know you wouldn't) 1. the new royalty steam company (RoyCo) will study which companies ACTUALLY have a long term probability of "positive cashflow" to support a royalty stream, and will pass on Noront given that NORONT per se, doesn't own enough of itself to forecast a royalty steam. They will try to, but no one will believe it. 2. Even if "RoyCo" wants to get into the Noront position, the 3 ugly step sisters (Franco, RCF, and BAO) have too much into this gig to let it go at a price that will make it attractive to the "RoyCo". Typically RoyCos don't want something complicated... they want to invest their capital and receive the royalties...simple. They don't want five sets of books to audit in order to legitimize their return. 3. KWG on the other hand, will probably be taken over by an ??? entity and Glencore/Pension Plan (RoyCo) will buy a future royalty steam from them...simple. I know you keep touting NOT as the ROF company of choice but very much like the NOT crowd, you never get past the (HH) hype and headlines, to seriously consider the numbers long term and the odds of profitability. JMHO GLTA ROF longs Pear3