RE:RE:RE:Absolute No Brainer with the "LTE Access Way."I feel you. But I couldn’t handle the price swings that were based primarily on rumour, innuendo, etc etc. Even owned a large portion of Supreme prior to its rollback 2 years ago. Mores the pity.
But it I don’t think you will be disappointed on LTE in the coming year. I’m bettinv on. It. They have 15 million minimum on the books for next year now. This new contract, while no numbers released (pissed me off too!), should only add to that.
In addition, I am happy that they are not focussed on Tier one status. To convoluted. Requires to many back room paper pushers, engineers, lawyers, litigators, that can suck Margin expansion dry. Not to mention navigating national and civil regulations and red tape. This is not their forte. Better to sit on the sidelines, stick to their knitting, and go dig ditches when called upon, get a pay cheque, and get out.
Demand is huge and the telcos in the UK are in a race now to see who can get their fibre in first to secure future data streaming revenues. Lte is working as fast as they are handed the work. The only company allowed to put in more than 100 m each day. Makes them an easy pick when looking for a contractor and costs are paramount.
LTE has to put out now. I think this next quarter might be light on Margin because of all the sitting around they’ve done while expanding crew numbers, but as long as Revenue shows a healthy increase, the market should forgive them.
I think there will will be opportunity for those who have lost patience to sell before the end of year (PP holders?) and you might see a bit of selling pressure when buyers step up to the plate. But after tax loss season, I think you will be rewarded.
Make no mistake, they have to execute. They got their one free pass last year. But at least as an investor there are numbers now and news releases that a guy can track and create a sound thesis for or against buying the stock.
my bet anyways.
Good luck