TORSTARMEDIAWATCHER - i understand and appreciate your informative thoughts regarding torstar, as the ones expressed by TEDDYBEAR1111 and others. Fairfax and partners (Funds/Institutions) own 70% of class-b shares. The minimum threshold of tendering of shares in a privatization/takeover offer is 66%, i believe. There are two Voting Trusts (Faith Harvey Spouse Trust and Estate of Faith E. Harvey) who own 20% of class-b shares. As for the post-acquisition value, justifying your forecast of a higher privatization price than $3.00/share, the current ts.b share price does not appear to have a $6.00 potential rise, unless there would be real steps taken to unlock shareholders' value. i dont see Fairfax positioning itself in taking over Torstar at such a high price. for such a $6 offer to happen, it would mean that the ts.b share price would need to trade at least at $4.00. Taking into account a 50% premium would then give a $6.00 offer.