This lid will blowThere will likely be another voice which essentially claims that all of this is completely irrelevant to the EUO
of today which has shed itself of anything GFI related except for the royalty deal.
Zen was this voice in the past. An opinion which I argued in this post: Fact is, just because potential “sins” happened in the past doesn’t mean that the SEC and CRA won’t look at them.
The old idiom of “Where there is smoke, there is fire” doesn’t even apply. There clearly was fire and maybe still is.
The Albania story isn’t much different from the Uganda story outlined in this post: Maybe if you are a SICPA, a private Swiss company shrouding itself in secrecy under the “We protect currencies / countries” label, this sort of stuff might just be condoned but if you’re a public Canadian company seemingly not complying with Canadian disclosure rules, somehow seemingly being part of “questionable” deals, the “justifiable” secrecy flies out the door.
Those who think that this some sort of vendetta need a reality check.
I had no clue about any of this when I championed EUO based on usually sufficient DD as in scanning Sedar documents and run of the mill public information. Had I known then what I know now, I would have commented very differently.