RE:An other PP!! Othel 11 milions of share.005!! More dilutionPlease relax...
This is the only way they can survive (as per all small cap mining cie) until they get true revenues and they now have the ideal partner.
The partner (RVO) will inject 16 million in a joint cie (Rocmec Gold), RND will provide assets and ressources to end up with 49/51 ownership in favor of RND. Not bad so far!
The projected plan of action will likely all unfold in early 2018.
I am impressed and OK with the fact that all these new investors believe in the plan and bring in that much needed cash to RND!
I have been holding RND for years and I am glad to see that they will finally reach their goals and I know the road has been awfully bumpy.
Would you have prefered bankrupcy like have endured dozens of small caps mining cies in the recent years?