RE:RE:RE:RE:Turkey day would be reason for drop in priceparalyzer let me put it this way--you have people who are cliquish and who want to silence people and who are overly favorable to this company and who are way too close to it and rebuke people for engaging others who they call a troll and who otherwise are being more polite than those who want to silence people despite us being bullish on this equity. Do you see something wrong with this picture? If people, troll or not are polite have something to say and make their point in a respectful way towards me i will be happy to have our exchanges whether we agree or not that is what having open dialogue is all about. But I will not and never appreciate people who are being dictatorial and closed in their way of viewing things and then calling people names based on their differing viewpoint, that isn't what i will respond to kindly.
Discussion boards are meant to take the unnecessary personal emotions out and addressing as objectively the issues that are being raised. If i find someone is going to be overly biased and will keep slamming a company without offering anything of value, yes, i will stop engaging because i know those people are just there to "bash" and nothing else now if people here are subtle and can at least show they can engage in somne sort of coherent and logical discussion with valid points and are willing to consider counterpoints well let's have at it.
In any case, i am trying to stay as neutral as possible as people will have their opinions and i just need to engage and see where they are coming from and see whether there is anything worth discussing or not. So far, PE has been polite and that at least scores points. There have been some points that merit consideration and maybe some not all of which i will either state i agree or not.
Well, if people here who are favorable would like to post something vs attacking my response to those they consider trolls that we can talk about i will be happy to do so. Posting comments about me responding to "trolls" i think sorry to say is kind of wasting board space and me responding to those post are doing the same. Just being honest here.
good luck all.