Actually....this is excellent news
because it reaffirms my confidence in Dr. Hennigh. Early on , Dr. Hennigh stated that he would have to try different sampling techniques to determine grade properly. Investors are in the same learning curve as Dr. Hennigh. There are hints that Purdy's Reward could be a paleoplacer component of a much larger conglomerate deposit. If terrestrial water action concentrated concentrated the gold at Purdy's Reward , grades may well turn out to be off the charts bonanza values. I appreciate the fact that investors are being kept fully informed. Transparency is soooo important in this story. I note that , as of this time , there are around 3500 trades today. However the average trade is around 530 shares. So , the fact that I see no large scale selling of those institutions who are in the money , gives me confidence that this is one more example of retail not taking the time to properly digest and understand this situation.