5i Research...One Firm Investor Should Tune Out.....?
The following excerpt is from a column written by Peter Hodson of 5i Research Inc. which appeared in the National Post on Saturday November 25, 2017…….I took the liberty of editing his words to produce my own view which follows his below…….
Don’t waste your time on market noise
Five things investors can tune out
We will admit that, sometimes, one can get a tidbit of interesting information off of an internet chat board on stocks.
However, it is a needle- in-a-haystack thing.
You might need to sift through 100,000 comments (and rants, and bigotry, and promotions, and screaming matches) to get one useful piece of information.
It is not worth the time at all.
Of course, most posters have a hidden agenda— either they are promoting a stock they own or are bashing one they are short.
Every time we find ourselves looking at internet comments we wonder — after about a minute — why anyone reads such stuff.
Don’t Waste Your Time on Bad Stock Pickers
One Firm Investors Can Tune Out
We will admit that, sometimes, 5i Research Inc. recommends a stock that turns out to be profitable.
However, it is a hit-or-miss thing.
Sifting through the ill-advised “Top Picks” 5i has made in the past (PHM at $1.74 on April 15, 2015…..EFN at $17.51 on April 15, 2015……HCG at $32.20 on August 4, 2015…….CXR at $39.45 on March 3, 2016….), we noticed that following 5i Research’s recommendation on just a couple of these can do serious damage to your portfolio’s return.
It is not worth the time at all.
Of course, Mr. Hodson has an agenda – he wants people to pay for the services he offers at 5i Research and thus likes to focus on the stock picks he gets right and downplay the ones that went badly wrong.
Every time we find ourselves reviewing his past “Top Picks” on Stockchase.com we wonder – after about a few minutes – why anyone listens to him.