This May Be A Sign of A Bought Deal? I Don't Know!this type of transaction sounds really strange but may well be coordinated. Is it possible that the someone selling through itg is management and the Scotia is someone looking to be part of the bought deal underwriting. What i would look for is to see if Scotia continues to be buying on the open market. When there is a few companies buying in the open market continuously and consistently it may mean a bought deal is coming i don't know.
Regardless, I absolutely love the fact that management has closed off the financing will only use what it needs to to pay the monies that will be owing to pyr for the next downpayment installment and then when the company shows proof about the progress to others who may look to finance they can show with tangible way this is how things are going and we believe it will continue to do so fully successfully so there is a justification for a higher share value.
I am seeing the rest of the financing between .15-.20 which is amazing. Let's see if we can get that in the second round at least .15--who knows that may not be just a pp it may well come in the form of a bought deal, i am smelling bought deal here but I can be wrong. If bought deal that will be phenomenal and a strong vote of confidence. Be as it may this company is making smart moves and i do believe we should be seeing a progressively stronger share value at least we should be legging up soon to .10 plus which is good. Let's see where things continue to go.
good luck all.