RE:RE:The great thing about us isHey man.stop posting here. No one cares your opinion on LG. We get it, You dont like it.. Sick of reading your useless posts. I for one dont post on boards im not in. No body values your opinions so stop wasting your time doing "in depth" reports that is really jusr normal DD that everyone does themselves anyway. You bashed this for a while and if people listened to you they would of missed out on nearly %200 gain...
DuckDive wrote: gimmycash wrote: The whole mj sector is exploding and we moved with it as well,but most other companies have realeased solid news for their moves,can you guys imagine what’s going to happen when we close these deals.glta
LGC is currently a house of cards pumped up on hype and hope so a great deal of stuff which hasn't happened is already priced in.
Which is why the old maxim so often plays out:
Buy on rumour, sell on news.
I hope many small shareholders make a lot of money - if only by selling at the right time. But i suspect that the pumpers are selling even while they encourage the rest of you to buy.
Read Forbes