RE:How high do you think this coin will go in a few years The first five releases are for 5 million NetCents Coins each. The initial sale will be done at $1.00 USD per coin, gradually escalating to $16.00 USD per coin. In order to trigger a new release for the first five releases, the NetCents Coin price will need to have increased by 100% for each release. In total, 25 million coins will be released in the initial five releases.
Starting with the sixth release, the release mechanism will be altered. For a new release to be triggered, the NetCents Coin price will need to have increased by 75%. Each release will be for 150% of the number of coins which were sold in the previous coin release.
I don't know if the NCc will become mainstream enough with the deals they will sign (participants in their exchange), but to attain 2000$, here we go: in the first five releases, 25 million coins are released (so 5 millions each): that means, by my calculations, 155 millions$ in value spent to buy coins, or in transactions, I'm not sure (if the releases are triggered).
after, from the sixth release, (6) 7.5 millions at 28$ = 210 millions$, (7) 11.3 millions at 49$= 553.7 millions, (8) from here we talk in billions: 16.9 millions at 85.75$= 1 449 175 000.
and it goes on and on to : 192.2 millions issued at 2,462.99$: around 473 billions needed to be raised or in transaction, with a ''market cap'' of 1 445 781 000 000.
So, if I'm right, that's pretty big numbers