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Fintech Select Ltd V.FTEC

Alternate Symbol(s):  SLXXF

Fintech Select is a provider of pre-paid card programs, an online payment platform, and a POS cryptocurrency platform that all are in-house developed platforms. The company also operates a multi-lingual call centre that provides services to customers across all its platforms, and to third-party customers. These core assets have been unified and enabled to operate through separate divisions, all harmoniously working together to create a new environment for consumers and businesses alike.

TSXV:FTEC - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by IRISERIOUSon Nov 29, 2017 12:18pm
Post# 27055306

Today's Bottom?

Today's Bottom?Not convinced — downward pressure is relatively strong.  I think 50 cent shares are to be had today.  Anybody share this sentiment?
Bullboard Posts