RE:Senate PredictionWhen I posted about the Senate I wanted to hear from people and get their risk assessment. There actually were some thoughtful posts that I respected. However, since then OGI has kicked it up a notch and while I thought the upside on OGI was limited, I was wrong. 130-140M in cash (almost half their market cap in cash - the highest proportion in the sector of market cap vs. cash), they have revenue report middle of the month, meanwhile the shorts have completely overextended themselves. Between Nov 15 and Nov 30, 33% of trades were short, the highest proportion of short activity among the major LPs, for ex. Aphria was only 15%. These guys will get squeezed because they are tryign to chase the negative momentum of the sector, but OGI has their rev. report, which is a major catalyst, so they have no real short game term game, especially given the likelihood that this quarter is going to show OGI is back on its two feet, beginning its second major long-term run.