RE:RE:RE:The only musk i like is those green musk mellons andActually, on the topic of dividends...when will Bombardier start paying some dividends??
Did they ever pay dividends?
They might have paid dividends decades ago...but who can remember that long ago.
However, the Bombardier/AirBus deal will be very good and there maybe more goodness announced regarding that partnership in the near future.
That's why maybe some strategic partnerships with Bombardier Rail would be a good idea as well. Some potential strategic partners could include Europe? China? Japan? Maybe even Tesla/HyperLoop/Boring???
bicente wrote: I agree , he's all over the place and because he won't let anyone buy his ideas , he will run out of new cash to fund his projects ... after a good long time shareholders will want some dividends and by that time all the if automakers will have caught up with the electric vehicles ... I have to admit he has innovation in his veins ... glta