200 meters down to 3 g/tThe gold mineralization may be at roughly 200m depth, but that is becasue the drill site is near the top of Cooke Mountain. To get that mineraliztion out, rather than digging a vertical shaft, they merely have to put in a shallow decline from a lower elevation on the mountain as Echo Bay Mines did when they mined the Overlook ore body nearly 3 decades ago. The depth from the Echo Bay drillsites to ore was about 130-150 meters. I might also mention that the original decline is still there, just with a cement plug, so access might be much cheaper than starting a new decline from surface. At a time of $350/ounce gold, Echo Bay mined 5 g/t gold from the Overlook orebody. So, now that gold is about $1300/ounce, it sure seems likely that a profit can be made by someone, especially since the capital outlay for a mill is already done. The VTEM that Adamera has been using has been turning up new blind targets. It seems like there is stacked mineralization rather than just one stratigraphic interval, OR, that stratigraphic interval is faulted into separate blocks that can be detected using the VTEM survey.Wise up!