the MJ industry
is on it's way up IMO.....not sure where all the audience on stockhouse is from, but I'm in the southern ontario area and for the first time ever, I heard a MJ ad on Country 94.7 (Hamilton/Southern Ontario/Canada).
Once the market starts moving mainstream, whether it's for a bunch of folks switching some of their booze purchases to MJ or folks needing a semi medicinal product or individuals being perscribed MJ products by their doctor (and covered by benifits), good times, (ignore the pun) are coming for MJ companies. But do your DD, if you are old enough, remember the Dotcom bust, if you are not old enough to remember it, research it (wikipedia has a short summary of it). 50 % of all start up Dotcoms failed, the MJ buisness IMO will be similar. Some start ups are just trying to squeeze some cash out of unknowing investors who want in on the BUZZ!!! Be careful, good luck!