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Kincora Copper Ltd V.KCC

Alternate Symbol(s):  BZDLF

Kincora Copper Limited is a Canada-based mineral exploration company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of exploration and evaluation assets. It is primarily focused on the copper-gold discoveries in the gold rich porphyry regions of the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) of Australia. The Company projects include Trundle Project, Fairholme Project, Cundumbul Project, Northern Junee-Narromine Belt Projects and Southern Gobi Belt Projects. Its Trundel Project is located approximately 420 kilometers (km) west of Sydney and 61 north-west of Parkes in Central West New South Wales (NSW) and covers an area of 167 square kilometers. Its Fairholme Project is located approximately 440km west of Sydney and 45km northeast of West Wyalong in Central West NSW and covers an area of 169 square kilometers. Its Northern Junee-Narromine Belt Projects include three licenses, which include Nyngan, Nevertire and Mulla, and covers an area of approximately 1,739.5 square kilometers.

TSXV:KCC - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by wawahunt2on Dec 04, 2017 6:14pm
Post# 27088799

RE:RE:Take Advantage

RE:RE:Take AdvantageThey have the’s the investors who don’t have them....
Bullboard Posts