RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Stock Market PsychologyLOTS of multi millionaires and successfull businessman are high school drop outs.
try again.
you talk a big talk for someone hoping to "retire" with 1 million dollars when some of us made that over twice already trading this.
I dont think you pissed anyone off.
you just get put in your place because insulting someones career or lack off in your "drop out" comment is nothing but a low class insult.
explain to me what makes you better than everyone else?
480Mayham wrote:
Appearantly I have pissed off a few people with my garbage collector comments. Please allow me to apologize.In retrospect maybe this is a little harsh. I'll stick to these no good rotten trolls being high school drop outs and serverely uneducated. instead. This is no doubt more accurate anyway.