opportunities are around the corner
Good Morning all.
Yesterday was probably the worst trading day ever on ADK. Volume as bad as if the stock had been halted all day:) total was 18,200. and 0 in the US.
everybody is in bitcoin?
i dont expect much today either...
All i can say is (if my calculations are right..) i believe the Bug is trading throught broker 79 and probably about 265T shares left for sale. Might be wrong... but been watching closely.
like he said, he probably sold 90% of his holding. so in this case not much left and then, we can say .....BYE BYE to our friend the Bug. he's been very disciplined and selling at .12. in his case, probably taking advantage of tax loss. like some others...
There are other opportunities out there and some are very volatile. so go make some good money.... and best of luck.
for the longer term, i still believe this company is doing great. The fact that they finally got in at the EDC is very positive. Before backing a company, they do a lot of DD and does not get in whoever wants to. But when they finally know you, .... you can bet they will be there to back you up when needed. For us this is a major step to get in other countries and bid for major contracts...
If my calculations are right, we are getting very close to the promised 6.6M in revenues for fiscal 2018 and start to make good profits. and if we sign another major contract, we will pass by that number in a flash.
Our sales team seems to b working very hard and getting in front of many countries.... all we need is one. :)
good luck