Why is everyone arguing? Just relax, it's called investing A lot of people have been following me. I'll tell you why. Because I don't pump or bash. The reality is all these people are arguing about NF because they are either shorters or people that have invested a lot of money. When u see people typing "watch out something is coming", usually that means some big things are coming.
They know something, they called the company, they did some DD, they are working hard to understand why this weed company is only at 10 cents. So when someone calls the head of a company and stock price wise they should be following Aurora footsteps, and they are working on things, and to expect a big year end and even bigger 2018, and when volume in the past 10 days cumulative total has been roughly 100 million .... why the hell in anyone's right mind would be bashing? My answer is they are shorters and they are nervous this thing is gunna take off any day now. You gotta be extremely unintelligent to think this won't be over $1 next year.
Why would anyone be buying this stock if they didn't think big things were happening behind the scenes. Why the heck is there so much volume for this little 10 cent CSE stock. Why all the attention on New Age Farm?
either were going back to 6 cents or were flying up to 60 cents before year end, then $1.50 early next year. So take your pick. Just stick with it and ride it up, or get out and play something else. The shorters will always be here, that's a given. We actually need them around, it will help the stock race up even quicker when they are trying to cover. So accept them and appreciate them. I cannot wait for next week and the next and the next 20 weeks. GLTA