RE:Got out last week They are not releasing any news as they don't want to antagonize the Sheriff's Department before a ruling is made. If they announce numbers, and in the off chance a ruling comes back as guilty then those numbers are from the proceeds of crime and repercussions can come about because of that. IR has been very upfront with every investor who phones in and while it sucks that they can't be more public about what's going on, I understand the difficult position they are in.
They have had numerous lawyers in the industry offer to represent them and fight for them for free but it's always easier to slide on butter then it is on crushed glass so they are waiting to see what the final ruling will be. If the ruling is heavy handed against them, you bet your a$$ they will fight the charges and hard!
In the meantime they are continuing operations as one of the only operations in California that is producing contaminant free MJ only using CO2 instead of Butane... essentially nothing else in the operation has changed, they will still have great numbers once finally released. It will just take a bit longer to release them. That's all. They still have the capability to pump out 50,000 Cannastrips an hour and make $0.80 profit per strip. Just do the math on that for one moment and try to remember why you bought in to begin with. I don't know of any other penny stock company that can even come close to those kinds of numbers.
I understand completely investor skepticism and fear. I own a boatload and HATE the price drop. Especially when others in MJ are rising rapidly. But I know what I own. I've done the DD and the research. I've contacted the company and what they are saying makes perfect sense. Legalization is right around the corner and once this is all resolved this will shoot up just like all the other ones we've seen (TGIF, ATT etc). I don't want to be sitting on the sidelines when it makes its move.