Just Cush Per acre Potential. To start off we will assume a low estimate on corn: 20,000 plants per acre @ 36 in. (3ft) spacing per row
so for marijuana we will half that number to 10,000 plants per acre @ 72 in. (6 ft) spacing per row
how many bushels per acre of marijuana?
32 lbs per bushel.
16 oz. per pound
no of oz per plant = 1
no. of oz per acre = 8,500
no. of lbs. per acre = 625 lbs.
bushels per acre = 19.53
Just one acre of weed can produce 3.25 million dollars at $375 per oz with 10,000 plants
Even if you reduce the number to 5,000 plants per acre your total would be 1.625 million dollars per acre. So you get the idea that we are dealing with the most profitable cash crop ever.