RE:FYI Huh. Read that and didn't post it as some information was missing and/or not updated as well as writer stating he didn't include all m&a in the 'in depth' article.
As well as their biggest concern being dilution??? which was defended due to growth of the business. Currently at 202m give or take.
Usually why second hand articles on companies in the mj space you need to read with a grain of salt ( as well as various forums ).
At the end of the day, N has continued to perform well, has a great business model unique to the mj space, increasing revenues, increasing global presence, Just to list a few. Been invested since early spring and still believe N is ahead of the curve and will keep continuing to deliver.
Confusing and best of times happening as we speak. If I listened to the rhetoric I would of sold at .26 for a small profit.