RE:7 or lower before NewYear?I don't think anyone studying the situation would be impressed with CMed's resistance; I doubt their independent (non execs) shareholders are.. Their moves/comments are detrimental in some cases to their own company. The Michigan announcement was absurd. The Newstrike deal is not a good deal...except for Newstrike shareholders. The continued mentioning of the Tragically Hip goes against the guidelines with respect to celebrity endorsements. The statement that ACB shares are paper money and overvalued are damaging to an entire sector whose valuation is speculative and a closer inspection would have any objective person comparing Aurora to CMed as seeing CMed as even more "overvalued." I do not go to the CmEd board; not into foolsih board games. But there is no way that anyone is impressed with Zettl. Think about it - one or more other CMed execs want this deal to happen and were unhappy with their company performance; the 3 top shareholders - including 2 Saskatchewan based financial management companies - were not happy with Cmed management and execution and wanted this merger. None of the smart money is happy with their results. Don't cponfuse market activity with "successful resistance" - people are looking to profit from tihs, including the gamble to buy CMed stock in hopes of cashing in on the deal offered by Aurora in the event of a successful takeover.