RE:RE:zhantaoVinnyboombatz wrote: hahaha zhantao was saying we were over hyping it... i think who ever listened to me is really happy today even if license wasn't announced friday as i expected...
over 25m volume this is far from over! we might see some sellers tomorrow as big gains were made today but if your thinking long term..... Post those shares at a high price! Don't let these shorters ruin this progress.
Vinny, again, last Friday you said we were getting licensed THAT DAY and I insisted we weren't, it was too soon. You also said that Matica already "CONFIRMED" the building of a 400,00 square foot facility when in fact they did NOT confirm that! I believe it will come eventually, but don't say things are confirmed and are factual when they're not, because doing so is MISLEADING or outright LIES.
I don't know how many times I have to repeat this over, and over, and over, and over (you're not intelligent are you?), but I said Matica CANNOT confirm a 400k facility if they didn't even finalize the agreement in Ontario yet! Duh!
ALSO, nowhere did Matica release news saying this facility was confirmed. Nowhere on the internet does it say it's confirmed. Nowhere on their website either.
Does that mean Matica won'r end up doing it? No I'm not saying that. I believe their goal is to build such a facility. ; but first things first, let's have Matica acquire the land first!!! Don't say it's confirmed when it's not. This is like the tenth time I said this.